The Water for All Award

The Water for All Award was instigated in 2022 and will each year, on World Water Day March 22, recognize a Water for All organization for a special achievement. The award is financed by the Peter Wallenberg Water for All Foundation and the winner will get funding to send 1-2 employees to visit an implemented Water for All project to learn about how water changes lives.

The overall purpose with the award is to draw attention to the work of Water for All and to pay tribute to the employees who choose to get involved, as local ambassadors or through voluntary donations.

All local Water for All organizations have an equal chance of winning by nominating a special achievement from the previous year in their annual report. The actual prize is a monatary contribution to allow for 1-2 persons from the winning Water for All organization to visit an implemented Water for All project to first-hand experience the difference that access to water means for people. The Board members of the Foundation have themselves had that experience and want to encourage as many as possible to get the same opportunity. Also, one of the best ways to promote Water for All and generate engagement at the local level is to use testimonials from colleagues. By sending a few people out in the field each year, the hope is that this will help to engage even more members and donors to the Water for All cause.


